
I also speak to groups of people, whether teachers, parents, prenatal classes, church groups, etc.
If you are interested and think that an informative seminar on the subject of genetic brain profiling will benefit your group, please feel free to contact me.
I usually speak free of charge.

Children age 3 - 18

Problem child or learning difficulties
Many teachers believe that a fidgety child or one who finds it difficult to concentrate for long periods may have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). 
While this may be true in some cases, there are a number of instances where knowledge of the child’s Genetic Brain Profile will help parents and teachers better understand the child’s learning style, and what teaching methods will help the child get the most benefit out of their time in the classroom.

It is also possible to see whether a child may run into learning problems when he/she starts school, eg. problems reading, writing, spelling, math. If we test a child early, then problems can be dealt with as soon as they appear and they may never develop into true problems, merely a temporary hiccup that will quickly be forgotten.

Children Gr.4 - Gr.12

Study Skills
Few schools introduce children to fundamental learning skills such as note taking, effective pre-exam revision techniques and stress management Many teachers simply give learners pages of handouts that they need to memorise, or to expect them to remember formulae… without teaching them HOW to recall the information.

A simple course in study skills can make a significant difference in a child's grades if the child embraces the techniques learned during the session(s).

Teenagers Gr.10 - Gr.12 & Students

Subject Choices
Teenagers are faced with big decisions that will influence the rest of their lives when asked to choose subjects. Their Genetic Brain Profiles will point to the best possible subjects for the individual child.

Career Roadmap
Knowing a person's Genetic Brain Profile will shed light on:
  - his/her interests
  - his/her personality
  - his/her natural abilities
  - his/her “hot buttons”: what motivates him/her and what will cause stress for him/her.
A personalised career map can be drawn up to show the top career choices for the individual person.


My Couples Workshop have been specifically designed to gain insight into the Genetic Brain Profile of partners. The workshop focuses on communication and the relationship needs of each partner. It is recommended for all couples and isn't restricted to age or relationship stage.

Career Guidance
Many adults find themselves in a job they find meaningless or experience so much frustration on a day-to-day basis that they feel they have made the wrong choice. Instead of making them feel fulfilled and challenged, work becomes a chore, a countdown to the weekend or next holiday.
If this is you, a change may be needed, but where to start? Your Genetic Brain Profile will provide as many insights in your life as it will in your children's and I can advise the best career options for you too, whether you intend to go back to school or not.

Many retired people find life suddenly to be dull and meaningless. They may even feel disconnected to their spouse because so much time is spent together and they aren't used to that anymore.
Your Genetic Brain Profile will point to activities and hobbies you can take up to bring the meaning back into life. I can recommend the amount of social time or alone time you need.


Assessing a whole family's Genetic Brain Profiles are interesting, fulfilling and fun! It illuminates each family member's personality and needs and shows the interaction between family members. A family report can be drawn up to show these interactions more clearly.