Adult and child reports vary slightly.
This report covers:
- Dominances and their explanations (Brain, Hand, Foot, Eye, Ear)
- Normal functioning
- Stress functioning
- Barriers (What will cause stress)
- Implications (Explanation off the profile)
- Recommendations, incl. ideal placement in classrooms
- 12 Intelligences (Talents - both inborn and those needing nurture for development)
- * Profile Strenghts
- * Profile Weaknesses
- * Relationship Needs
- * Communications Style
- * Preferred Business Setting
- * Working in a Team
- * Management Style
- Career Indications
* Adult report only, although many of these will be discussed during the session for children as well.
The Genetic Brain Profile explains who you were born to be, your inborn good and bad traits. It is very important to note that nothing in the profile may be used as an excuse!
For instance: if you are right brained it is unacceptable to blame your inability to finish tasks on your right brain.
What you should do is recognise that you have a weakness and that it is caused by your genes, but strive to overcome this weakness by forcing yourself to get out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes we have to do things we don't like. If you are right ear dominant, it will be hard for you to patiently listen to a long winded story (and not zone out or interrupt), but sometimes you have to grind your teeth and suck it up.

All children need to get through school. All children need to work to get through school, whether they like it or not. All children need to be respectful of other people, both elders and peers. All children need to know what hurts other people and what builds other people.
If you know you child's strengths and weaknesses, you'll know what to focus on and monitor in your child so that your child becomes the best version of himself he can be.